

Embedding the runtime

Installing the runtime

Install sophia as a project dependency:

$ go get

Initial embedding

Add skeleton:

package main

import (


func main() {
	file, err := os.Open("config.phia")
	if err != nil {
	embed.Execute(file, nil)

Configuration script

Lets add some configuration we want to modify with our sophia script:

package main

import (


type Configuration struct {
	Port int

var config = &Configuration{}

func main() {
	file, err := os.Open("config.phia")
	if err != nil {
	embed.Execute(file, nil)

And write a sophia script:

(let port 8080)
(set-port port)

Interfacing with go

Now lets create the function by adding the Functions field to the embed.Configuration structure:

package main

import (


type Configuration struct {
	Port int

var config = &Configuration{}

func main() {
		Functions: map[string]types.KnownFunctionInterface{
			"set-port": func(t *token.Token, n ...types.Node) any {
				return nil
	file, err := os.Open("config.phia")
	if err != nil {
	embed.Execute(file, nil)

Input validation

And do some input validation for the arguments we passed to set-port:

package main

import (


type Configuration struct {
	Port int

var config = &Configuration{}

func main() {
		Functions: map[string]types.KnownFunctionInterface{
			"set-port": func(t *token.Token, n ...types.Node) any {
				if len(n) > 1 {
					serror.Add(n[1].GetToken(), "Too many arguments", "Expected 1 argument for set-port, got %d", len(n))
				return nil
	file, err := os.Open("config.phia")
	if err != nil {
	embed.Execute(file, nil)
	fmt.Println("port:", config.Port)

If we pass two ports to our set-port function we will get the following error message:

$ cat config.phia
(let port 8080)
(set-port port port)
$ go run .
error: Too many arguments

        at: /home/teo/programming/embedding_sophia/config.phia:3:16:

            1| ;; vim: syntax=lisp
            2| (let port 8080)
            3| (set-port port port)
             |                ^^^^

Expected 1 argument for set-port, got 2

Lets evaluate the result of the argument passed to our function, cast it to a float64 and assign it to config.Port:

package main

import (


type Configuration struct {
	Port int

var config = &Configuration{}

func main() {
		Functions: map[string]types.KnownFunctionInterface{
			"set-port": func(t *token.Token, n ...types.Node) any {
				if len(n) > 1 {
					serror.Add(n[1].GetToken(), "Too many arguments", "Expected 1 argument for set-port, got %d", len(n))
				res := n[0].Eval()
				port, ok := res.(float64)
				if !ok {
					serror.Add(n[0].GetToken(), "Type error", "Expected float64 for port, got %T", res)

				config.Port = int(port)

				return nil
	file, err := os.Open("config.phia")
	if err != nil {
	embed.Execute(file, nil)
	fmt.Println("port:", config.Port)

Again, lets check the error handling:

$ cat config.phia
(let port "8080")
(set-port port)
$ go run .
error: Type error

        at: /home/teo/programming/embedding_sophia/config.phia:3:11:

            1| ;; vim: syntax=lisp
            2| (let port "8080")
            3| (set-port port)
             |           ^^^^

Expected float64 for port, got string

Resulting embedding of Sophia

Simply running our script with valid inputs according to our previous checks will result in the following output:

$ cat config.phia
(let port 8080)
(set-port port)
$ go run .
port: 8080

KFI - Known function interface

KFI is a pun on FFI, because we know our functions and they must be defined in the same binary the sophia language runtime is embedded in.

The sophia language includes capabilities for exposing go functions to use inside of the sophia language, for example see the following function definition included in core/builtin/builtin.go:

Example: Linking strings.Split

func init() {
	// [...]
	consts.FUNC_TABLE[alloc.NewFunc("strings-split")] = func(tok *token.Token, n ...types.Node) any {
		if len(n) != 2 {
			serror.Add(tok, "Argument error", "Expected exactly 2 argument for strings-split built-in")
		v := n[0].Eval()
		str, ok := v.(string)
		if !ok {
			serror.Add(tok, "Error", "Can't split target of type %T, use a string", v)

		v = n[1].Eval()
		sep, ok := v.(string)
		if !ok {
			serror.Add(tok, "Error", "Can't split string with anything other than a string (%T)", v)

		out := strings.Split(str, sep)

		// sophia lang runtime only sees arrays containing
		// elements whose types were erased as an array.
		r := make([]any, len(out))
		for i, e := range out {
			r[i] = e

		return r

This maps the strings.Split function from the go standard library to the strings-split sophia function. All functions defined with the KFI have access to the callees token and all its arguments, for instance:

(strings-split "Hello World" "")
;; token: strings-split
;; n: "Hello World", " "

The token parameter points to strings-split, n contains 0 or more arguments to the call, here its ["Hello World", " "].

Example: typeof

We can do whatever go and the sophia lang type system allow. You can print an expressions type without evaluating it:

consts.FUNC_TABLE[alloc.NewFunc("typeof")] = func(tok *token.Token, n ...types.Node) any {
    if len(n) != 1 {
        serror.Add(tok, "Argument error", "Expected exactly 1 argument for typeof built-in")
    return fmt.Sprintf("%T", n[0])

And call this function from sophia:

$ cat test.phia; echo "------"; sophia test.phia
(println (typeof [1 "test" test 25.0]))
(println (typeof true))
(println (typeof "test"))
(println (typeof 12))
(println (typeof { key: "value" }))